Last updated: 20nd December 2021
I have applied.When will I get to know the status?
Since your application is already submitted, you can access the 'Creator Hub'.
You'll also start getting communication via notifications around ongoing challenges to increase your reach.
To improve your chances for selection in the next stage, keep creating more content.
How can I spend my time in the best way till the result is out?
As a creator, you should always keep an eye on the ongoing trends. You can explore trends by clicking the search button on homepage. There is also a long list of interesting Moj lenses that you can try.
Do I have a second chance to apply for this program?
Yes, you can reapply 30 days after your first application.
What benefits will I get if I get selected for the program
- Once enrolled, you become a part of the Moj Creator Community where you can learn from some of the very best creators in your niche, collaborate with other upcoming creators, and more.
- You will get access to cohort-based Moj Creator Training programs that will help you better your content quality.
- You will be able to communicate directly with Moj team and they will guide you.
- You will be able to start earning from the videos you'll create on Moj.
I have applied.What should I do next to become selected?
- Post everyday
- Create original posts
- Do not upload duplicate/watermark content